Our children are very special to us! You have an important part to play in their life. God has gifted you in ways and equipped you to help lead these kids in their walk with the Lord. We know each child can have a personal relationship with Jesus from an early age. That's why our vision in kids ministry is for Kids to grow in relationship with Christ. Once they encounter Jesus, they will have a personal relationship with Him into adulthood. It is an honor to partner with parents to see our Westside Kids children grow spiritually.
Safety is our top priority. Please make sure parents are presenting the pick-up tag in order to pick up their child. If they do not have their pick-up tag, they can locate it in the church center app, or please call the service coordinator to help.
Please make any schedule changes ASAP. It is your responsibility to find a replacement for your position. Signing up to serve in a specific spot in kids ministry means the children are counting on you. We have the opportunity to show these children the love of Jesus and how faithful Jesus is by being consistent.
A notification is sent prior to scheduling asking for any blackouts for the upcoming month being scheduled. If you do not respond with any scheduling conflicts, it is assumed you are available to serve. However, if you need to decline a serving request, please do so ASAP. And then try to switch with another team member.
1. To switch with another team member; use your phone list to contact other team members and ask them to cover or trade with you.
2. Please be sure to clarify which Sunday and service time you are serving.
3. Please let your Team Lead know who is covering for you or if you traded what arrangement was made.
(Nursery: Holly Bailey; PreK & Elementary: Dawn Marrazzo)
4. If you are unable to swap or find a replacement, please contact your class' Team Lead for help in finding a replacement.